Swimming pool fencing is to be placed around swimming pools to create a safety barrier to restrict the access of small children to the swimming pool. Swimming pool fences must have a self-closing and self-latching gate/s to be compliant.
Swimming pool fences are designed so that young children cannot climb over them or go through them. They are manufactured to strict standards to be sturdy, durable and non-climbable.
An unprotected pool is dangerous to your child. Drowning is the number cause of accidental death for children under five in Australia. Everyone would agree that an unprotected swimming pool is the greatest danger to a child’s life. You would never put your baby in a car without a car seat. But for many, pool safety is seen as “it wouldn’t happen to me”. The one positive is that toddler drowning is completely preventable by following the Australian standards for pool fencing installation by ensuring multiple layers of protection. These include, parent supervision, high locks and approved pool fencing. And Finally if all these fail, your knowledge of safety around your pool and CPR may one day mean the difference between life or death.
Take a look at our Pool Fence Photo Gallery